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University of Dundee

University of Dundee

Open number of scholarships 15%


University of Warwick

Open number of 50% in Warwick Manufacturing Group | Open number of 50% in Warwick Business School | Open number of 20% in Other courses | Open number of 30% CONACYT FUNED | Open number of 50% in ONLINE Programs: Global Online MBA y MSc in Global and Financial Regulation

University of Bradford

University of Bradford

Open number of scholarships 15%

University of Manchester

University of Manchester

Business 5 scholarships 25%, Other masters 10 scholarships 10%

University of Southampton

University of Southampton

Open number of scholarships 15%

University of Sussex

University of Sussex

Open number of scholarships 10%

University of Westminster

University of Westminster

Open number of scholarships 20%

Univeristy of Bath

Univeristy of Bath

Open number of scholarships 20%

Queen Mary

Queen Mary

Open number of scholarships 10% Social Sciences and Engeneering

University of Nottingham

University of Nottingham

Open number of scholarships 25%

Royal Holloway Univeristy of London

Royal Holloway Univeristy of London

Open number of scholarships 10%

University of Liverpoo

University of Liverpool

50 scholarship 20% in Management, Social Sciences, and Economics | 5 scholarship 25% for Women in STEM

University College London

University College London

Open number of scholarships 10%

University of Glasgow

University of Glasgow

Open scholarships 20% in Architecture, Business & Managment (MBA), Communications, Computer Science, Data Analytics, Economics, Engineering, Finance, Health-related programs, Hospitality & Tourism, Informatics, International Relations & Commerce, Law, Marketing, Public Policy & Public Administration, Public Health and Supply Chain Managment

University of Aberdeen

University of Aberdeen

Open number of scholarships 15% - Business and Social Sciences | 10 scholarships 15% - Computer science

University of East Anglia

University of East Anglia

5 scholarships 20%

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